Wasgatt Genealogy

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 4 August 2024)

Welcome to the Wasgatt family genealogy. Family units are arranged alphabetically by the first name of the father (or single-parent mother). Links are provided to enable you to move up and down each lineage. To follow a line back in time (ancestors), click on the underlined portion of “(son of …)” or “(dau. of …)” beneath the name of the person you want to trace back. To follow a line forward in time (descendants), click on the name of the person whose offspring you want to see. A plus sign (+) following a name means that that person had one or more children, but that family group has not been added to this web page. To view documentation, including census data, click on the link “documentation and notes” below a family.

How you can help. All information, especially source material, for inclusion in this web page should be sent to info@vfthomas.com or mailed to “Wasgatt Genealogy” at the address at the top of this page. And, of course, please report all errors.

A little work by each of us will save a lot of work for all of us.

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Wasgatt households in 1790 census of the town of Mount Desert free white males 16 and upwards free white males under 16 free white females
Davis Wasgatt 1 2 5
Thomas Wasgatt 4 2
Thomas Wasgatt Jr. 2 3 3

Asa Wasgatt
   (son of [...])
   b. age 85 y. at death   Maine
   m. bans published 18 October 1815
         30 November 1815
         Sarah Gott
               b. age 57 y., 4 m., 6 d. at death   Maine
               d. 29 December 1855
                     bur. Wasgatt Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine
   d. 23 January 1879
         bur. Wasgatt Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine

   Asa Wasgatt   b. 21 September 1816   Maine
   Rhoda Haines Wasgatt   b. 7 September 1818
   Sarah E. Wasgatt   b. 2 March 1821   -   d. 8 July 1849   Boston, Massachusetts   -   bur. Wasgatt Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine
   Thomas Atherton Wasgatt   b. 10 May 1823   Maine   -   m. Emma J. [...]   -   d. 16 May 1880   -   bur. Wasgatt Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine
   Cornelius Wasgatt   b. 21 November 1825   Maine   -   m. Isetta M. [...]
   Deborah Gott Wasgatt   b. 7 November 1827   Maine
   Mary Audrey Wasgatt   b. 31 January 1830   Maine
   David Wasgatt   b. age 18 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Catharine M. Wasgatt   b. age 16 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Charles W. Wasgatt   b. age 13 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Enoch S. Wasgatt   b. age 10 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Nathaniel G. Wasgatt   b. age 7 y. as of 1850 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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Daniel H. Wasgatt
   (son of [...])
   b. age 27 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   m. Rebecca [...]
            b. age 22 y. as of 1850 census   Maine

   Freeman D. Wasgatt   b. age 9 m. as of 1850 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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David Wasgatt
   (son of [...])
   b. age 57 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   m. Abigail [...]
            b. age 55 y. as of 1850 census   Maine

   John Foye Wasgatt   b. age 12 y. as of 1860 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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David P. Wasgatt
   (son of[...])
   b. age 28 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   m. Sophia W. [...]
            b. age 24 y. as of 1860 census   Maine

   Edwin P. Wasgatt   b. age 3 y. as of 1860 census    Maine
   Williston Wasgatt   b. age 9 m. as of 1860 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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Davis Wasgatt
   (son of Thomas Wasgatt and Margaret Davis)
   b. age 92 y. at death
   m. 9 August 1774
         Rachel Richardson
               (dau. of James Richardson and Rachel Gott)
               b. 29 March 1752   Gloucester, Massachusetts
               d. 30 June 1841
                     bur. Wasgatt Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine
   d. 27 November 1843
         bur. Wasgatt Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine

   Mary Wasgatt

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Elijah H. Wasgatt
   (son of [...])
   b. age 32 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   m. Harriet W. A. [...]
            b. age 39 y. as of 1860 census   Maine

   Amasa A. Wasgatt   b. age 8 m. as of 1860 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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Elisha Wasgatt
   (son of [...])
   b. age 37 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   m. Anna S. [...]
            b. age 70 y., 9 m. at death   Maine
            d. 31 January 1884
                  bur. Brookside Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine
   d. 4 April 1885
         bur. Brookside Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine

   Harriet Ann Wasgatt   b. age 15 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   William W. Wasgatt   b. age 13 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Moses Wasgatt   b. age 11 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Roxinda Wasgatt   b. age 8 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Thomas M. Wasgatt   b. age 19 y., 3 m. at death   Maine   -   d. 19 May 1863   -   bur. Brookside Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine
   Charles E. Wasgatt   b. age 4 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Nathan Wasgatt   b. age 4 m. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Charlotte J. Wasgatt   b. age 10 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Cecil Wasgatt   b. age 7 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Imogene L. Wasgatt   b. age 2 y. as of 1860 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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George W. Wasgatt
   (son of [...])
   b. age 34 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   m. Eliza Jane [...]
            b. age 29 y. as of 1850 census   Maine

   Francena Wasgatt   b. age 5 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Lycurgus Wasgatt   b. age 3 y. as of 1850 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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John Wasgatt
   (son of [...])
   b. age 78 y., 8 m., 27 d. at death   Maine
   m. Julia Ann E. [...]
            b. age 69 y., 8 m., 2 d. at death   Maine
            d. 6 March 1889
                  bur. Hadley Point Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine
   d. February 1892
         bur. Hadley Point Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine

   Henrietta S. Wasgatt   b. age 3 y. as of 1850 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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John T. Wasgatt
   (son of [...])
   b. age 66 y. at death   Maine
   m. Huldah [...]
            b. age 54 y. as of 1850 census   New Brunswick, Canada
   d. 22 May 1853
         bur. Thomas Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine

   Huldah Wasgatt   b. age 23 y. as of 1850 census   New Brunswick, Canada
   Margaret J. D. Wasgatt   b. age 19 y. at death   -   d. 18 April 1849   -   bur. Thomas Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine
   Melvin T. Wasgatt   b. age 18 y. as of 1850 census   New Brunswick, Canada
   Mary Ann Wasgatt   b. age 14 y. as of 1850 census   New Brunswick, Canada

documentation and notes

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Moses Wasgatt
   (son of Thomas Wasgatt and Margaret Davis)
   m. (1) Eunice Higgins
                  d. 28 September 1807
         (2) Joanna Cousins

children by Eunice [...]:
   Sarah Wasgatt   b. 19 July 1792   -   m. 10 November 1808   Robert Edgerly
   Patty Wasgatt   b. 28 August 1794
   Aaron Wasgatt   b. 15 June 1797
   Bethiah Higgins Wasgatt   b. 17 February 1799
   Mercy Higgins Wasgatt   b. 9 May 1801
   Margaret Wasgatt   b. 10 July 1803
   Benjamin Giles Read Wasgatt   b. 29 October 1805
   Eunice Wasgatt   b. 26 September 1807
child by [Eunice or Joanna?]:
   Joseph Cousins Wasgatt   b. 19 December 1808
child by Joanna Cousins:
   Ezekiel [Wakefield?] Wasgatt   b. 7 September 1810

documentation and notes

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Thomas Wasgatt
   (son of [...])
   m. Margaret Davis

   Thomas Wasgatt Jr.   m (1) [...] Robbins;   (2) Hannah Thomas
   Mary Wasgatt   m. Richard Webber
   Davis Wasgatt   b. age 92 y. at death   -   m. 9 August 1774   Rachel Richardson   -   d. 27 November 1843   -   bur. Wasgatt Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine
   William Wasgatt   m. Thankful Hopkins
   Hannah Wasgatt   m. (1) Thomas Day;   (2) John Richardson
   John Wasgatt
   Sarah Wasgatt   m. [...] Haynes
   Susannah Wasgatt   m. Joseph Googins
   Abigail Wasgatt   m. John Emery
   Nancy Wasgatt   m. Benjamin Atherton   -   d. [...]   -   bur. Richardson Burying Ground   Mount Desert, Maine
   Margaret Wasgatt   m. Benjamin B. Stanwood
   Moses Wasgatt   m. (1) Eunice Higgins (d. 28 September 1807);   (2) Johanna Cousins

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Thomas Wasgatt II
   (son of [...])
   m. Hannah [...]

   Hannah Wasgatt   b. 14 September 1783
   John Wasgatt   b. 17 August 1785
   William Wasgatt   b. 23 May 1787
   Nicholas Wasgatt   b. 4 April 1789
   Betsey Wasgatt   b. 7 June 1791
   Margaret Wasgatt   b. 21 September 1793
   Zene Wasgatt   b. 31 May 1801

documentation and notes

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Thomas Wasgatt III (also known as John Thomas Wasgatt)
   (son of [...])
   b. 21 June 1774   Union River
   m. (1) Polly Frye
               b. Salem, Massachusetts
               d. 11 November 1820
         (2) Mary Ober
   d. 5 December 1823

   Eunice Wasgatt   b. 11 November 1793   -   m. Jeremiah Stevens
   Nancy Wasgatt   b. 7 November 1795
   Polly Wasgatt   b. 31 March 1798   -   m. Richard Webb
   Zena Wasgatt   b. 17 May 1800
   Sally Wasgatt   b. 24 June 1802   -   m. Joseph Cousins
   son   b. 4 July 1804   -   d. 4 July 1804
   [Foy or Frye?] Wasgatt   b. 8 October 1805
   Mary Ann Wasgatt   b. 13 July 1807   -   m. Elisha Cousins
   Jacob F. Wasgatt   b. 28 August 1809
   Cordelia Wasgatt   b. 25 December 1813   -   m. Nahum Emery
   Deborah H. Wasgatt   b. 25 December 1817   -   m. Samuel Beckwith

documentation and notes

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Thomas Atherton Wasgatt
   (son of Asa Wasgatt and Sarah Gott)
   b. 10 May 1823   Maine
   m. Emma J. [...]
            b. 20 June 1837   Maine
            d. [...]
                  bur. Wasgatt Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine 
   d. 16 May 1880
         bur. Wasgatt Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine

   Edwin M. Wasgatt   b. age 2 y. as of 1870 census   Maine
   William T. S. Wasgatt   b. age 7 m. as of 1870 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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William Wasgatt
   (son of [...])
   m. Thankful [...]

   Eleanor Wasgatt   b. 22 July 1795
   William Wasgatt Jr.   b. 11 October 1796   -   d. 15 August 1797

documentation and notes

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William Wasgatt
   (son of [...])
   b. age 54 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   m. Bathsheba [...]
            b. age 53 y. as of 1850 census   Maine

   Jane Wasgatt   b. age 25 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   William Wasgatt   b. age 23 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Sally Wasgatt   b. age 21 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   George Wasgatt   b. age 20 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Rebecca Wasgatt   b. age 19 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Lovinia Wasgatt   b. age 17 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Warren Wasgatt   b. age 15 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Cauldwell Wasgatt   b. age 13 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Jordan Wasgatt   b. age 10 y. as of 1850 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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William N. Wasgatt
   (son of [...])
   m. Mary [...]

   George B. Wasgatt   b. age 22 y. at death   -   d. 30 November 18[...]   -   bur. Thomas Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine

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